The SCLM Governing Board is made up of an Executive Board and a General Board. Executive Board members are elected positions. General Board positions are appointed by the incoming board. Elected positions are open to Regular Members in good standing. Appointed positions are open to Regular and Associate Members in good standing. Auxiliary Members are unable to hold a Governing Board position.

Our board year runs from 01 June - 31 May. Governing Board members are required to read our Constitution & By-Laws, so please review before applying to get familiar with how our club operates.



Please note the duties below are summaries of each position's duties. For a complete list please review the By-Laws. 

*All board positions require a commitment to attend Board Meetings and functions/fundraisers, in addition to performing the duties of the office.

  • Community Grants Chair

    Draft and post SCLM Community Grant application. Receive applications. Form and chair committee to review & make award recommendations for board and general membership approval. Correspond with recipients and respond to inquiries.

    Community Outreach Manager

    Identify potential groups and events in need of SCLM support. Provide the board with recommendations on the best way to provide support. Organize opportunities to support those groups and events.

    Corresponding Secretary

    Check SCLM mailbox weekly and distribute mail to appropriate board members. Send out special invitations, recognitions, and thank yous.

    Costume Party Chair

    Serve as Event Chair for the Costume Party. Coordinate and oversee the event from start to finish. Recruit, motivate and lead a committee of volunteers, plan the event, obtain sponsorships, secure raffle items, and recruit attendees.

    Event Rentals Chair

    Purchase, request, rent and maintain inventory of all Event Rentals property. Coordinate with board members on decorations for events. Ensure all borrowers of property uphold the rental contract. Submit all money and receipts to Treasurer.

    Facility Manager

    Maintain a current inventory of all SCLM property. Manage keys and coordinate all maintenance, general cleaning and repairs of the buildings and grounds. Maintain and coordinate a calendar of all events held in the facilities. 


    Provide headshots of executive and general boards. Capture photos of Club wide events. Collaborate with Sub Clubs collecting pictures of gatherings. Create compiled documentation of Club's annual activities in a printed format.

    Holiday Gathering/ Tour of Homes Chair

    Serve as the Hostess and chair for the Tour of Homes. Invite families on JBLM to open up their homes for a private tour for members. Plan the event and holiday gift while spreading holiday merriment.

    Holiday Market Chair

    Serve as the Chair for the Holiday Market. Coordinate and oversee the event from start to finish. Recruit, motivate and lead a committee of volunteers, plan the event, obtain sponsorships, recruit vendors and attendees.

    Hospitality Chair

    Maintain a guest list for all SCLM events. Coordinate with Webmaster regarding reservations for events. Work with Membership Manager for name tags. Recognize birthdays of all SCLM members.

    Membership Chair 

    Promote and recruit membership, track member applications, maintain membership roster. Distribute emails to members about various events and club information.

    Operation Deploy Your Dress (ODYD) at JBLM Manager

    Follow National ODYD guidelines and maintain communication with them. Solicit and process dress donations while managing inventory. Train volunteers. Oversee shop hours and volunteers.

    Procurement Chair

    Work closely with all executive board and event chairs to procure sponsors for each public event as well as items for opportunity baskets at club and public events. Maintain relationships with sponsors and donors.

    Retiree Liaison

    Promote the social, membership, and community outreach activities of SCLM to the local retiree population. Act as community liaison between club and surrounding areas by reporting on community events of interest to the club.

    Social Media Chair

    Regularly post on SCLM’s Instagram and Facebook to keep people updated about events and what’s going on with the club. Work in tandem with Marketing and the Webmaster. 

    Sub Club Manager

    Maintain regular communication with sub club leaders to ensure activity dates and details are added to the main SCLM calendar and share board needs. Recruit sub club leaders. Act as interim leader for sub clubs without a leader.

    Volunteer Manager

    Attend OPOC course and track all volunteer hours, prepare certificates, and arrange appropriate awards inside the club. Submit nominee records to JBLM Volunteer Liaison and maintain records through VMIS. 

    Ways and Means/Summit Shoppe 

    Ensure Summit Shoppe is financially self-sustaining. Coordinate, update, and maintain inventory. Oversee the supply and sales of speciality merchandise. Communicate with prospective and current vendors. Assume responsibility for all shop finances and accounts.


    Update and maintain SCLM website. Coordinate with the Governing Board to manage online payments for membership fees, event registrations, and vendor fees. Work directly with Marketing Chair and Social Media Chair.

  • President

    Serve as the “face” of the club. Preside over all meetings of Membership, Board meetings, maintain a working knowledge of club activities, serve on the various committees and be an advocate of SCLM on JBLM and surrounding community.

    First Vice President

    Assist the President. Work with members of Executive Board and committee chairs, Responsible for Super Sign Up Membership drive. Aid in overseeing Holiday Market and Annual Charity Event.

    Second Vice President

    Organize and plan the monthly mixers, to include set up and working with vendors. Coordinate with hospitality and membership. Aid in overseeing the Costume Party and Operation Deploy Your Dress (ODYD).

    Recording Secretary 

    Record and post minutes of Board meetings. Submit reports to appropriate parties. Serve as liaison to general questions about the club. 


    Primary user of SCLM accounts, prepare monthly reports as well as yearly budget, deposit and collect money. Prepare taxes and Maintain open communications with the governing board about budgets and event planning.


    Advise president, board, and members on parliamentary procedure, SCLM Constitution and By-Laws. Oversee voting and election procedures. Chair the Nominating and C&BL Review Committees.

    Annual Charity Event (ACE) Chair 

    Serve as the Event Chair for the ACE Fundraiser. Overseeing the event from start to finish. Recruit, motivate and lead a committee of volunteers, plan the event, obtain sponsorships, secure silent auction items and recruit attendees.

    Marketing Chair

    Promote and grow SCLM’s presence in the community through various marketing efforts including creation of flyers, graphics, and press releases. Work in tandem with the Social Media Chair and Webmaster.

current board openings

Please consider applying for the below openings by filling out an application:

Volunteer Manager, Corresponding Secretary,
Holiday Gathering Chair, Facility Manager,
Hospitality Chair, Procurement Chair