Board Positions & Application — Spouses' Club of Lewis-McChord


The SCLM Governing Board is made up of an Executive Board and a General Board. Executive Board members are elected positions. General Board positions are appointed by the incoming board. Elected positions are open to Regular Members in good standing. Appointed positions are open to Regular and Associate Members in good standing. Auxiliary Members are unable to hold a Governing Board position.

Our board year runs from 01 June - 31 May. Governing Board members are required to read our Constitution & By-Laws, so please review before applying to get familiar with how our club operates.



Please note the duties below are summaries of each position's duties. For a complete list please review the By-Laws. 

*All board positions require a commitment to attend Board Meetings and functions/fundraisers, in addition to performing the duties of the office.

current board openings

Please consider applying for the below openings by filling out an application:

Parliamentarian, Membership Chair, Facility Manager,
Hospitality Chair, 2nd Vice President
Summit Shoppe Co-Manager